Greekart.com is shipping internationally FREE of charge. Outside the European Union customs fees may apply and are paid by the customer.
Customs fees vary from country to country and are determined by the local National Customs’ Authorities. Greekart.com prepares all the necessary documentation needed in order to ship your order safely to your country.
“De minimis values”
“De minimis” refers to the minimum value of the goods below which no duties and taxes are being collected by the local Customs
Overview of de minimis value regimes open to express shipments world wide
Source: Global Express Association https://global-express.org
Disclaimer: De Minimis values are subject to change from time to time by Local National Authorities. Greekart.com does not take any responsibility for any inaccuracies contained therein or any decision made with this information.
If there are any questions, please contact us at info@greekart.com